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Bbc News Podcast


Topical debate on the 2024 budget Highlands depopulation and the oil gas industry Browse all news politics podcasts in BBC Sounds. The days top stories from BBC News Delivered twice a day on weekdays daily at weekends. The days top stories from BBC News Delivered twice a day on weekdays daily at weekends. The WWII tragedy the world forgot The Global Story. The days top stories from BBC News Delivered twice a day on weekdays daily at weekends..

The worlds Newsroom brings you global events as they happen. The latest two minute news summary from BBC World Service. The latest five minute news bulletin from BBC World Service. View the daily broadcast schedule for World Service Find out whats on now and whats up next or see schedules up to 7 days ahead. Result Welcome to the BBC World Service the international broadcaster of the British Broadcasting Corporation BBC that provides news analysis..

Web Semiconductor plant takeover gets go-ahead The silicon chip plants buyout by a Chinese-owned company had raised. Web Chancellor Jeremy Hunt cuts workers National Insurance by another 2p in the Budget meaning it. The first flying taxi could take off in the UK by 2026 and become a regular sight in our skies two. Web But Liam Hardy a senior policy advisor at the Green Alliance think tank said the decision to build new gas plants. PM pressured over new funds from racism accused donor Group chooses candidate to take on. Web Back to the announcement of Plan B restrictions for England - and there is an indication that some. Web By Marie Jackson Mary OConnor Englands Plan B measures are to end from next..

German leader Olaf Scholz greets King Charles at the Chancellery in. King Charless first speech in full. King Charles has been in Germany this week on his first state visit since becoming. Result King Charles has delivered a speech partly in German at Bellevue Palace in. ..

