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Deforestation Pushes Animals To Eat Virus Laden Bat Poo

Animals News by Animals Around The Globe

Deforestation Pushes Animals to Eat Virus-Laden Bat Poo

Deforestation is forcing animals to eat virus-laden bat poo, which could lead to the spread of new diseases, a new study has warned. The study, published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution, found that deforestation is causing animals to lose their natural food sources, and as a result, they are turning to eating bat poo, which is full of viruses.

The researchers studied animals in the Congo Basin, where deforestation is rampant. They found that animals that had lost their natural food sources were more likely to eat bat poo, and they were also more likely to be infected with viruses. The researchers believe that this could lead to the spread of new diseases, as viruses can be transmitted from animals to humans.

The study's findings are a stark reminder of the dangers of deforestation. Deforestation not only destroys animal habitats but it can also lead to the spread of new diseases. It is important to take action to protect our forests and the animals that live in them.

Today's Photos Include Pink Sheep in England, a Hyena in Nigeria, Salmon in California, and a Whale Shark in...

Today's photos include a pink sheep in England, a hyena in Nigeria, salmon in California, and a whale shark in... The photos are a reminder of the amazing diversity of animals on our planet. From the smallest creatures to the largest, animals are an important part of our world.

The pink sheep in England is a rare sight. It is thought that the sheep's pink color is caused by a genetic mutation. The hyena in Nigeria is a powerful predator that is often feared by humans. However, hyenas are also social animals that live in packs.

The salmon in California are an important food source for people and animals. Salmon are also a symbol of the Pacific Northwest. The whale shark in... is one of the largest fish in the world. Whale sharks are filter feeders that eat plankton and other small organisms.

These are just a few of the amazing animals that share our planet. We should all do our part to protect animals and their habitats.

Challenge to Fishing Ban a Threat to Seabirds - RSPB

A challenge to a fishing ban in the UK could pose a threat to seabirds, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) has warned. The ban, which was introduced in April, is being challenged by a group of fishermen. The RSPB says that if the ban is overturned, it could lead to a decline in seabird populations.

The fishing ban was introduced to protect seabirds from being caught in fishing nets. Seabirds are often caught in nets when they are diving for fish. The ban has been successful in reducing the number of seabirds that are killed in fishing nets.

The RSPB says that if the ban is overturned, it could lead to a decline in seabird populations. The RSPB is calling on the government to defend the ban and protect seabirds.


